A Haunting at Havenwood

A Haunting at Havenwood Sally Britton


A Haunting at Havenwood (Seasons of Change #6)

Nothing will keep Louisa from her great-aunt's fortune. Except perhaps a phantom who turns out to be a most eligible bachelor.

Although Louisa Banner insists she is not the least bit superstitious, she cannot help her misgivings when her family announces she must spend October with her great aunt in a rundown Welsh castle riddled with tales of ghosts. The family hopes Louisa will endear herself to her aunt enough to win a grand inheritance. Louisa’s only wish is to avoid a run-in with any of the phantoms spoken of by the local villagers. When Louisa stumbles upon a forgotten graveyard, and a man whose name comes directly from a tombstone, she isn’t certain whether to run away in terror or stay and get to know the handsome spirit.

Erasmus Grey is cursed, and not only because he sometimes hears the voices of his dead grandparents. While most men would count it a blessing to be a wealthy, eligible bachelor, Ras is absolutely panic-stricken at the idea of finding a bride. Rather than succumb to the matchmaking mothers of London, he retreats to an old family cottage with no plans to return to Society. Though he manages to keep his presence in the country a secret, coming upon a lovely young woman during one of his rambles nearly undoes all his careful work. But when he realizes Miss Banner thinks him a ghost, Ras wonders if he might have found a way to cure his own fears.

The sixth book in the Seasons of Change series, A Haunting at Havenwood is a stand-alone novel. Check out the other books in the multi-author series to discover stories about change and love.


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A Haunting at Havenwood


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on 18/1/22

Ras, Louisa e sua tia Penrith eram todas muito simpáticos, como pessoas que eu adoraria conhecer. Achei ótima a forma como os fantasmas foram apresentados e me fez sorrir. Os fantasmas eram fabulosos. Eu particularmente adorei o ritmo do livro, foi perfeito. Normalmente, fico ansiosa para que algo aconteça ou se desenvolva, em vez de ficar presa e atolada na tentativa de angústia de um autor. Mas não é assim com este livro. Sally fez um trabalho incrível ao desenvolver a his... leia mais


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18/01/2022 17:38:29
editou em:
18/01/2022 17:38:45