A Hundred Ways to Kill (Blood Bond Book 16) (English Edition)

A Hundred Ways to Kill (Blood Bond Book 16) (English Edition) William W. Johnstone...


A Hundred Ways to Kill (Blood Bond Book 16) (English Edition)

These blood brothers are gunslingers with a conscienceand red-hot lead. Sharp-shooting adventure from the greatest Western writers of the 21st century. Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the ranchers son saved the warriors life, forging a bond no one could ever break. And as years passed, a legend grew of the Cheyenne and the white man who rode togetherand who could jerk killing iron with the best of them . . . A Hundred Ways to Kill Heading west to San Diego some honest pilgrims pay good money to keep their wagon train safe, but their guards soon turn against their charges and head off to Mexico with six young girls captive. When word reaches Tombstonewhere Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves are wearing out their welcome gambling with Wyatt Earpthey know they have to do something about it. But its going to take more than their bravery and shooting skills to rescue those girls from the merciless white slavers. On the way to Mexico, Matt and Sam ride into a war party of Apaches. Theyll be facing outlaws and furious Apaches at the same time. For two blood brothers, the idea is to rescue those girls and blast their way North to freedomno matter how many bullets it takes, or how many guns are shooting back . . . Praise for the novels of William W. Johnstone [A] rousing, two-fisted saga of the growing American frontier.Publishers Weekly on Eyes of Eagles Theres plenty of gunplay and fast-paced action.Curled Up with a Good Book on Dead Before Sundown

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A Hundred Ways to Kill (Blood Bond Book 16) (English Edition)



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