À La Folie

À La Folie Nova Kane


À La Folie

(English Edition)

I don't say DARK lightly for this one. This book will be HEAVY. Be sure to check the TW before reading. You're mental health matters most.

Indie Conners, stared my demons in the eye and smiled.
She fell for everything I hoped she'd fear, and now she's making me feel things I don't want to feel.
Obsession, passion, hope and something new and even more dangerous- love.

Lux Julius is everything I shouldn't want. Everyone warned me about him.
But where others see a monster they condemn, I see a lost and misunderstood soul.
The more he pushes me away, the harder I'll fight. I won't stop until his demons become mine.

Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and prepare to be seduced by the darkness!
Welcome to the Cirque du désir, where lust wears a twisted mask and desire dances with the devil.
This is not your average love story; this is a dark circus romance that will leave you breathless, longing for more, and questioning the very nature of your own depraved heart.

But beware, dear reader, for love in the Cirque du désir comes at a cost. As you indulge in the intoxicating spectacle, you may find your own heart entangled in the web of obsession and intrigue.
The line between pleasure and pain blurs, and the boundaries of morality fade away like a distant memory.
The circus is not just a performance; it's a seduction of the senses, a carnival of the macabre that will leave you haunted by the echoes of forbidden desires.
Witness the contortion of emotions, the fire of passion, and the knife-edge balance between pure ecstasy and despair.

Buy your ticket now and enter a world where lust is a dangerous game, and the only way out is through the darkness.
The Cirque du désir awaits, and once you've tasted the bitter-sweet nectar of its dark embrace, you'll never see love the same way again.
Step into the darkness, for here, the heart's darkest desires come alive under the twisted, ominous glow of the big top lights.

Erótico / Horror / Romance

Edições (1)

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À La Folie


Resenhas para À La Folie (9)

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Eu provavelmente estava me odiando pra ler até o final
on 23/3/24

Só coloquei esse livro na lista pq tinha essa pegada de circo - que eu tinha me interessado em outro livro. Mas acontece que nem isso foi o suficiente para eu dar uma nota maior, simplesmente pq as coisas acontecem aqui de forma porca. A escrita é ruim. Os personagens são deploráveis, fora a falta de química que tem entre eles. Meu Deus. Eu ainda to me perguntando o porquê eu cheguei até o final já que eu sou completamente contra tortura literária. Talvez seja pelo fato de ser curto... leia mais


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Avaliações 2.9 / 29
ranking 21
ranking 17
ranking 31
ranking 21
ranking 10



cadastrou em:
02/03/2024 20:26:44
editou em:
02/03/2024 20:30:26

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