A Lord for the Wallflower Widow (The Widows of Westram Book 1) (English Edition)

A Lord for the Wallflower Widow (The Widows of Westram Book 1) (English Edition) Ann Lethbridge


A Lord for the Wallflower Widow (The Widows of Westram Book 1) (English Edition)

Untouched and alonecould he awaken her senses? Part of The Widows of Westram When widow Lady Carrie meets charming gadabout Lord Avery Gilmore, she is shocked by her intense reaction to him. Shes never before longed for wifely pleasures, and it takes all of her courage to propose that he show her them! He might be taken aback by her request, but as Carrie learns firsthand, this lord will take the challenge very seriously The Widows of Westram miniseries Book 1 A Lord for the Wallflower Widow Look out for the next story, coming soon! Ann Lethbridges talent for penning deliciously naughty and smart love stories shines... A zippy, delightful read RT Book Reviews on Rescued by the Earls Vows A charming, highly romantic story filled with engaging characters RT Book Reviews on An Innocent Maid for the Duke

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A Lord for the Wallflower Widow (The Widows of Westram Book 1) (English Edition)


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Eu escolhi esse livro como quem não quer nada...
on 24/5/22

Eu achei essa autora fazendo algumas pesquisas e peguei esse singelo livrinho como quem não quer nada e fiquei muito feliz com essa história. Os dois personagens enfrentam problemas financeiros e precisam lutar pelo pão de cada dia. Ela abre, com a ajuda de suas companheiras, uma lojinha de chapéus, que infelizmente não está indo muito bem. Então o personagem principal é o primeiro a entrar na lojinha e a fazer a primeira compra. Ele é um galanteador, charmoso e ganha a vida fazendo c... leia mais


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10/10/2021 08:19:32