A Major Puck Up

A Major Puck Up Brittanée Nicole


A Major Puck Up (The Revenge Games #3)

A Dad's best friend, age gap, single dad romance

There are only a few rules I live by: enjoy life, smile as often as possible, and don’t ever let a woman come between friends.

Oh and hockey is life.

For the past forty years I’ve done an excellent job at every single one of them.

Until Millie Hall.

To be fair, I had no idea who she was that first night. Can’t say the same about the second.

Finding out that the mystery girl who turned my world upside down was the twin sister of my star left winger and my best friend’s twenty-two year old daughter is less than ideal.

Hiding our relationship from not only her father but my brothers, nearly impossible.

But my best friend makes it incredibly difficult to walk away from his daughter when he keeps thrusting her in my direction.

As a single dad, I have a whole set of new rules, but one thing remains, falling for Millie Hall would be a major puck up.

Author’s Note: A Major Puck Up is an angsty forbidden love between fan favorite Gavin Langfield-Coach of the Boston Bolts and Millie Hall, his best friend's daughter. With text banter from the Langfield brothers, one mysterious baby on a door step, a singing Boston Bolts hockey team, hot tub shenanigans and quite a few ducks.


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A Major Puck Up


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Pucking Revenge
Revenge Era

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A Major Puck Up
4 weeks ago

A steamy and angst hockey romance that made me cry and laugh! Gavin and Millie are so sweet and perfect together. Seeing them meeting and falling in love was a delight. Seeing them building their relationship with each other and with Vivi was so special. This book is about fighting for what you believe, who you love and the life you want and deserve. I?m very excited for it to be released into the world!... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
17/05/2024 23:47:16
editou em:
17/05/2024 23:47:44

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