A Marriage Made in Scandal

A Marriage Made in Scandal Elisa Braden


A Marriage Made in Scandal (Rescued from Ruin #8)

Wanted: A countess for the most feared lord in London
With a family legacy tainted by murder and madness, Phineas Brand, the Earl of Holstoke, is having a devil of a time securing a proper wife—or even an improper one. Society misses faint at the sight of him. Matchmaking mamas scurry to avoid him. Only one woman is bold enough to keep drawing near, and she’s more scandalous than he is.

Caution: A lady’s brazen ways may lead to ruin
Lady Eugenia Huxley knows all about running aground in the marriage mart, thanks to a scandal involving a footman and too much drink. No matter. She’ll gladly pursue millinery over matrimony. But when her sister’s spurned suitor returns to London in search of a wife, she can’t resist offering him a bit of courtship advice, even if the chilly, brilliant, honorable Lord Holstoke does give her shivers—heated, head-to-toe shivers that are anything but fearful.

Danger: This match may be combustible
After a series of vicious murders brings suspicion to Holstoke’s door, Eugenia risks everything to be his alibi. The only rational remedy is to marry the minx before she generates another scandal. Yet, the dangers don’t end at the altar. A poisonous enemy coils ever closer, threatening the woman who awakens his soul. How far will he go to protect her? That may be the greatest danger of all.


Edições (1)

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A Marriage Made in Scandal


Resenhas para A Marriage Made in Scandal (2)

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Roseira e Grifo
on 7/1/24

Eu estava doida por esse livro, li o anterior super rápido porque eu queria muito ler sobre esse casal. Phineas (que eu ainda acho um nome de mocinho ruim kkk) roubou meu coração no livro do Duston e da Maureen, naquele livro eu não me apaixonei tanto pelo casal, mas lá eu já via a maluca Genie e o austero Phineas soltando faíscas, e que bom que eu estava certa. Seis anos depois da irmã de Genie recusar o casamento com o conde e ainda revelar que a mãe dele era uma envenenadora ambos s... leia mais


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01/09/2019 20:55:18

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