A Memory of Light

A Memory of Light Brandon Sanderson
Robert Jordan


A Memory of Light

Book fourteen of the Wheel of Time series

'And it came to pass in those days, as it had come before and would come again, that the Dark lay heavy on the land and weighed down the hearts of men, and the green things failed, and hope died.' - Charal Drianaan te Calamon, The Cycle of the Dragon.

In the Field of Merrilor the rulers of the nations gather to join behind Rand al'Thor, or to stop him from his plan to break the seals on the Dark One's prison - which may be a sign of his madness, or the last hope of humankind. Egwene, the Amyrlin Seat, leans toward the former.

In Andor, the Trollocs seize Caemlyn.

In the wolf dream, Perrin Aybara battles Slayer.

Approaching Ebou Dar, Mat Cauthon plans to visit his wife Tuon, now Fortuona, Empress of the Seanchan.

All humanity is in peril - and the outcome will be decided in Shayol Ghul itself. The Wheel is turning, and the Age is coming to its end. The Last Battle will determine the fate of the world...

Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (6)

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A Memory of Light
A Memory Of Light
A Memory of Light
A Memory of Light


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Resenhas para A Memory of Light (28)

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Resenha: Memory of Light
on 15/9/20

E chegou o fatídico momento. O momento em que eu ao mesmo tempo queria muito chegar e também não queria. Comecei a ler essa série em abril do ano passado. Foi mais ou menos um ano e meio acompanhando essa saga, que é sem dúvidas a maior saga que eu já li na minha vida, e dentre todos os altos e baixos dos livros eu posso dizer com toda certeza que valeu a pena cada página lida, cada lágrima, cada suspiro e cada momento onde a respiração parece faltar. É até inacreditável pensar em com... leia mais


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03/05/2012 19:45:35