A Promessa do Livreiro

A Promessa do Livreiro John Dunning


A Promessa do Livreiro

The Bookman's Promise: A Cliff Janeway Novel

O ex-policial Cliff Janeway está de volta às livrarias, mais de uma década depois de sua estréia em Edições perigosas, romance ganhador do prêmio Nero Wolfe de literatura policial, e de Impressões e provas. Em A promessa do livreiro, Janeway recebe a visita de uma velha senhora que lhe pede algo impossível: recuperar uma coleção de obras raras do famoso explorador inglês Richard Burton, que havia pertencido ao avô dela e que fora roubada oitenta anos antes.

Para provar que está dizendo a verdade, ela entrega a Janeway uma primeira edição de Burton autografada. Dias depois, uma mulher é assassinada por causa do livro. Furioso, Janeway decide ir fundo na investigação e deixa a cidade de Denver para caçar dois livreiros vigaristas em Baltimore. Outras três pessoas parecem estar ligadas ao crime: um brutamontes sem sobrenome e um ganhador do prêmio Pulitzer, além de uma bela advogada que inspira Cliff Janeway a pentear o cabelo.

Durante a investigação, ele se depara com respostas de um enigma ainda maior: por que Richard Burton esteve durante três meses no interior dos Estados Unidos, pouco antes da Guerra Civil? Seria ele um espião? Em A promessa do livreiro, John Dunning lida com mistérios do passado e do presente, da verdade e da ficção, manipulando, com a habilidade de costume, dezenas de personagens e intrigas.

Cliff Janeway is back! The Bookman's Promise marks the eagerly awaited return of Denver bookman-author John Dunning and the award-winning crime novel series that helped to turn the nation on to first-edition book collecting. First, it was Booked to Die, then The Bookman's Wake. Now John Dunning fans, old and new, will rejoice in The Bookman's Promise, a richly nuanced new Janeway novel that juxtaposes past and present as Denver ex-cop and bookman Cliff Janeway searches for a book and a killer. The quest begins when an old woman, Josephine Gallant, learns that Janeway has recently bought at auction a signed first edition by the legendary nineteenth-century explorer Richard Francis Burton. The book is a true classic, telling of Burton's journey (disguised as a Muslim) to the forbidden holy cities of Mecca and Medina. The Boston auction house was a distinguished and trustworthy firm, but provenance is sometimes murky and Josephine says the book is rightfully hers. She believes that her grandfather, who was living in Baltimore more than eighty years ago, had a fabulous collection of Burton material, including a handwritten journal allegedly detailing Burton's undercover trip deep into the troubled American South in 1860. Josephine remembers the books from her childhood, but everything mysteriously disappeared shortly after her grandfather's death.
With little time left in her own life, Josephine begs for Janeway's promise: he must find her grandfather's collection. It's a virtually impossible task, Janeway suspects, as the books will no doubt have been sold and separated over the years, but how can he say no to a dying woman? It seems that her grandfather, Charlie Warren, traveled south with Burton in the spring of 1860, just before the Civil War began. Was Burton a spy for Britain? What happened during the three months in Burton's travels for which there are no records? How did Charlie acquire his unique collection of Burton books? What will the journal, if it exists, reveal? When a friend is murdered, possibly because of a Burton book, Janeway knows he must find the answers. Someone today is willing to kill to keep the secrets of the past, and Janeway's search will lead him east: To Baltimore, to a Pulitzer Prize-winning author with a very stuffed shirt, and to a pair of unorthodox booksellers. It reaches a fiery conclusion at Fort Sumter off the coast of Charleston, South Carolina.
What's more, a young lawyer, Erin d'Angelo, and ex-librarian Koko Bujak, have their own reasons for wanting to find the journal. But can Janeway trust them? Rich with the insider's information on rare and collectible books that has made John Dunning famous, and with meticulously researched detail about a mesmerizing figure who may have played an unrecognized role in our Civil War, The Bookman's Promise is riveting entertainment from an extraordinarily gifted author who is as unique and special as the books he so clearly loves.

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Um mundo de livros e de crimes
on 2/11/10

Outra aventura empolgante de Cliff Janeway, o livreiro detetive (ou detetive livreiro). Embora a narrativa traga alguns senões que soam como pontas soltas - afinal, aonde foram parar os outros livros do avô Warren? - Dunning mantém as marcas do estilo encontrado em "Edições perigosas": narrativa em 1ª pessoa em tom determinado, ora sarcástico, ora crítico, dezenas de menções a autores e a livros, uma trama sinuosa, com ramificações inesperadas, e, como sempre, nos dando vontade de conh... leia mais


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02/02/2009 22:24:50