A Symphony of Savage Hearts

A Symphony of Savage Hearts Lana Pecherczyk


A Symphony of Savage Hearts (Season of the Vampire #3)

She's human.

And a fierce killer of fae.

She marks her kills on a silver vambrace so everyone can see her savagery and stay away. As long as she keeps protecting downtrodden humans from monstrous fae-folk, and hiding the true reason for wearing magic-cutting silver, her loneliness is of no consequence. Selected for a high priority mission, she bravely heads into Elphyne, never expecting one of their worst waiting for her. Wanting her. Craving her.

Shade is sinfully attractive.

He's a vampire.

And the most hard to resist of the Fae Guardians.

From the Queen's bed to The Order, he uses the power of sex to get what he wants. Eventually they all succumb, and they all fall short of harmonizing with the darkness hidden in his soul.... until he finds the one woman who resists his every charm.

Seducing Silver will be a challenge, but it's one he was made for.

Nothing will get in his way. Not the evil creature terrorizing Elphyne. Not the human enemy with dastardly plans of their own. Not the Unseelie Queen's obsession with him. Not even the betrayal of the one person who can hurt him the most.

This courting of savage hearts is a symphony.

And theirs will be one for history.

Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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A Symphony of Savage Hearts


Resenhas para A Symphony of Savage Hearts (1)

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on 10/4/22

Nada como uma história com faes não é? Mas calma lá que essa é um pouco diferente viu?! É uma fantasia futurista, onde o uso de praticamente todo tipo de metal é proibido e humanos ficam confinados em uma cidade superlotada depois de o planeta ser praticamente destruído. Faes e humanos não são lá muito amigáveis uns com os outros então já viu né... A personagem principal, Silver, é daquelas que não leva desaforo e fala o que pensa, sem filtros ou meias palavras. Ela é um "soldado", i... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
26/03/2022 22:12:51
editou em:
02/01/2023 03:08:30

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