A Trial of Sorcerers

A Trial of Sorcerers Elise Kova


A Trial of Sorcerers

Perfect for fans of The Legend of Korra, Truthwitch, and A Sorcery of Thorns, this magical new fantasy will leave readers desperate for more.

Ice is in her blood.

Eighteen-year-old Waterrunner Eira Landan lives her life in the shadows - the shadow of her older brother, of her magic's whispers, and of the person she accidentally killed. She's the most unwanted apprentice in the Tower of Sorcerers until the day she decides to step out and compete for a spot in the Tournament of Five Kingdoms.

Pitted against the best sorcerers in the Empire, Eira fights to be one of four champions. Excelling in the trials has its rewards. She's invited to the royal court with the "Prince of the Tower," discovers her rare talent for forbidden magic, and at midnight, Eira secretly meets with a handsome elfin ambassador.

But, Eira soon learns, no reward is without risk. As she comes into the spotlight, so too do the skeletons of a past she hadn't even realized was haunting her.

Eira went into the trials ready for a fight. Ready to win. She wasn't ready for what it would cost her. No one expected the candidates might not make it out with their lives.

A Trial of Sorcerers is the first book in a brand new, young adult, epic fantasy for readers who love stories involving: sorcerer competitions, slow-burn romance, adventures to distant lands, and elemental magic.

**A TRIAL OF SORCERERS is set in the Air Awakens universe, but is it's own unique story. Readers new to the universe can start here!**


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A Trial of Sorcerers


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Já aceitei que vou ler todos os livros da Elise
on 22/3/21

Acho que o título já dá uma indicação do que eu achei do livro A narrativa da Elise é fluida e super envolvente, você nem vê o tempo passando, e acaba sendo engolido pelo livro Achei o mundo interessante, e as reviravoltas com o poder da Eira são muito boas ... fica uma mistério sobre o que ela é, o que ela pode fazer, de onde ela vem... A única coisa que me incomodou é que eu consegui ver muito cedo quais personagens seriam confiáveis e quais não. Mas não sei se essa era exatamente... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
18/03/2021 08:55:20
editou em:
18/03/2021 08:56:30

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