A Whisker of Danger

A Whisker of Danger Eryn Scott


A Whisker of Danger

Finding a body in your nursery is kind of a big dill. It's grand opening time for Willow's nursery. Louisa's best friend is brimming with nerves, sure something's going to go wrong. It doesn't help that her beloved pygmy goat, Steve, has recently gone missing. To make matters worse, on the morning of her first day of business, Willow shows up to find her front gate wide open. She should be worried if anything has been stolen, but she's somewhat more concerned with the body lying cold in the middle of the succulents. When the victim is identified as an auditor for the Department of Agriculture with documentation showing Willow was in possession of plants prohibited for sale in the state, the local police look at her as their prime suspect. Willow, distraught, swears the auditor was mistaken. With a little digging, Lou discovers that Willow wasn't the only one to have issues with the deceased man. To Willow's dismay, it looks like they'll have to venture into Brine, the pickle-themed town next door, to find allies if they have any hope of proving her innocence. Dear reader, if you love rescue cats, goats who wear pajamas, and a cozy bookstore, you're going to love this series by Eryn Scott. Hold on to your hats. The town of Button is as cute as they come, but that doesn't mean it's free of murder. These books are clean with no foul language or gore. Each book and mystery stands alone. Curl up under a cozy blanket, cuddle with a cat (or two), and come join Lou as she solves mysteries in the town of Button.

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João gregorio
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17/06/2023 09:30:13

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