All Through the Night

All Through the Night Connie Brockway


All Through the Night

A woman compelled. . .

In the glittering world of Regency England, Anne Wilder played a dangerous game. A widowed lady by day, by night she became a masked thief preying on society's elite. She roved high above London's black rooftops, compelled by phantoms from her past to take ever greater risks. Until her restless spirit led her into Colonel Jack Seward's trap. . . where seduction was her only way out.

A man obsessed. . .

She'd played him for a fool, taking advantage of his hungry response to escape from his clutches. But as Jack hunted for his thief, his heart fell captive to a self-possessed widow. Torn between illicit passion and tender love, Jack is duty-bound to capture the audacious criminal, even if it means ripping society apart to do so. Now he stalked her through the ton, never realizing the lovely widow who captured his heart was the same woman who roused his most violent passions.

A love that defied king and country. . .

Edições (1)

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All Through the Night


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My Seduction

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on 22/7/13

Toda vez que eu leio um livro que é muito bom, eu fico sem saber o que dizer. São tantas as emoções, vem tanta coisa à minha mente pra dizer, que normalmente eu não digo nada (vide resenhas dos livros da KA). Mas isso é uma tristeza, porque eu quero muito que você entenda que PRECISA ler esse livro. E como eu mesma não consigo expressar tudo isso, eu vou deixar que a letra da música do Ed Sheeran fale por mim: GIVE ME LOVE (ME DÊ AMOR) Give me love like her, 'Cause ... leia mais


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Gisele Melo
cadastrou em:
19/07/2013 13:01:53

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