Alpha Wolf

Alpha Wolf Rune Hunt


Alpha Wolf (Moon Born Academy #1)

I live a normal, boring life.

Work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. The only joy I get is the brief rushes of adrenaline that only come when I’m on my motorcycle.

All that changes when five strangers walk through the door of the diner I work at. The connection between us is instantaneous and undeniable. That is until they tell me I’m their Alpha – the first female Alpha in over a thousand years. That breaks the spell pretty quickly.

Naturally, I laugh in their face and don’t believe them.

But after a suspicious death of someone close to me, and when I’m attacked by a man who turned into a wolf right before my eyes, I have to reassess what I know of my world.

Then I’m saved by the five men who seem unperturbed by the whole incident, I can’t pretend that wolf shifters don’t exist anymore.

With their help and guidance maybe I can navigate this new world.

Hopefully in time to stop whoever is after me

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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Alpha Wolf


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Início promissor
on 28/11/22

Eu não tinha ideia do que estava me metendo quando comecei este livro. Foi tão bom. Acho que este é um bom grupo e adorei ver seus sentimentos pelas novas mudanças e como lidar com tudo. É isso que eu quero ler, um romance de lobisomem com um pouco de vapor e, portanto, atingiu todos os desejos. O final foi um pouco rude e agora eu preciso de mais. Eu definitivamente recomendo se você precisar de um harém reverso de câmbio rápido !!?... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.6 / 24
ranking 21
ranking 38
ranking 42
ranking 0
ranking 0



Daniela D. Oliveira
cadastrou em:
11/09/2022 22:21:32
Daniela D. Oliveira
editou em:
11/09/2022 22:21:58

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