Amazing Gracie: A Dog

Amazing Gracie: A Dog's Tale (English Edition) Dan Dye...


Amazing Gracie: A Dog's Tale (English Edition)

The story of a joyful Great Dane with a sensitive stomach who stole her owners hearts and helped them launch Three Dog Bakery. It was love at first sight. Amid the frenzied barking and prancing of a house full of Great Danes, one pup was shivering in the corner. Gracie. But when Dan Dye reached her, she struggled to her feet like a clumsy foal, raised her forehead to his, and announced, as clearly as if she had actually spoken the words, You know Im the one. Now get me outta here! By turns funny, moving, tender, and inspiring, Gracies tale is a treat for every dog lover. There is Gracies first morning, racing around Dan in the snowy yard. Gracies first determination to prove to her stepsisters, Dottie the Dalmation and Sarah the Black Lab, that shes one of the girls. Gracies defiant romance with a pint-size charmer named Byron, a Boston Terrier from the wrong side of the fence. Then born of necessity, the eureka moment: When Gracies delicate constitution starts turning into anorexia, Dan teaches himself how to cook, and in three days is baking her the cookies that will spur her appetite, launch Three Dog Bakery, and transform their lives forever. Courage. Compassion. Kindness. Soul. Tenacity. And joy, above all, joy. These qualities Gracie possessed in abundance, and shared with everyone, human or canine, who had the good fortune to cross her path. Its funny how the smallest things can change a life. Gracie was that thing. If youre short on inspiration, read Amazing Gracie. Chicago Tribune Tickles the funny bone and touches the heart. St. Louis Post-Dispatch

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Amazing Gracie: A Dog



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