An Enchantment of Ravens

An Enchantment of Ravens Margaret Rogerson


An Enchantment of Ravens

An instant New York Times bestseller! An Indie Next Top 10 Pick A Parents Choice Silver Honor Winner A funny, action-packed, and sweet romance. School Library Journal (starred review) A phenomenal read. RT Book Reviews A skilled painter must stand up to the ancient power of the faerie courtseven as she falls in love with a faerie princein this gorgeous bestseller thats an ideal pick for fans of Holly Black, Maggie Stiefvater, and Laini Taylor (Publishers Weekly, starred review). Isobel is an artistic prodigy with a dangerous set of clients: the sinister fair folk, immortal creatures who cannot bake bread or put a pen to paper without crumbling to dust. They crave human Craft with a terrible thirst, and Isobels paintings are highly prized. But when she receives her first royal patronRook, the autumn princeshe makes a terrible mistake. She paints mortal sorrow in his eyesa weakness that could cost him his life. Furious, Rook spirits her away to his kingdom to stand trial for her crime. But something is seriously wrong in his world, and they are attacked from every side. With Isobel and Rook depending on each other for survival, their alliance blossoms into trust, then loveand that love violates the fair folks ruthless laws. Now both of their lives are forfeit, unless Isobel can use her skill as an artist to fight the fairy courts. Because secretly, her Craft represents a threat the fair folk have never faced in all the millennia of their unchanging lives: for the first time, her portraits have the power to make them feel.

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An Enchantment of Ravens


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Confuso demais
on 24/8/22

Infelizmente faltou muuuuuito pra esse livro ser bom ? uma pena, porque tinha um super potencial, uma história bem bacana e com tudo pra ser super incrível (ainda mais com o final, que, a meu ver, foi a única parte bem resolvida do livro). Desde o começo é tudo muito confuso, falta muita explicação do universo onde a história acontece (que é super complexo) e dos seres que vivem nele, das leis, da história, enfim, de tudo. Além disso, tem vários buracos no enredo e o desenvolvimento d... leia mais


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