Androgen Diet

Androgen Diet André Bettinson


Androgen Diet

For Men Who Give a F*ck About Their Health

This is it, man.
It’s time to challenge your beliefs. Open your mind.
Think large and wide in a world this complex. It might not seem like it
at times, but you are in full control of your life. You may have already
begun to feel this, deep inside.
You can choose what you think is right for you in the moment. Yet
you are a culmination of your life experiences. Those experiences and
your reactions to them go as far back as before your memory even
began. They were preset for you with controlled outcomes and multiple
choices with only one right answer. True or false, they are governed by
your teachers, your church, the media, your parents, your peer group,
your coworkers, and more. All throughout your life.
This is your last chance. After this, there’s no turning back. If you take
the blue pill, you continue your life as it was. No commitment to change,
no transformation.
If you take the red pill, you drop the shackles of your current identity
and way of thinking. And I show you how deeply your body and mind
have been hijacked, and that there is another way.
A better way. The way. The only way to get you where you’ve been
wanting to go for your entire life, whether you know it or not.
Remember, all I’m offering is the truth. That is all.
Yes I know it’s hard to believe but just have an open mind as we go
down this rabbit hole together.

Medicina e Saúde

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Androgen Diet



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Fernando Dubus
cadastrou em:
02/04/2022 15:20:20
Fernando Dubus
editou em:
02/04/2022 15:20:55

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