Anger Management

Anger Management G. S. Baker


Anger Management

How To Control Your Emotions

If you are looking for how to have control in every situation, find the right decision in your daily choose without anger and anxiety, if the goal is understanding how get calm managing your emotions, then keep reading. How many times do you find yourself making very very bad decisions in life because you were in a very bad mood? Are these decisions draining all your energy down? How many times do you lose your control doing sometimes simple task?

The person experiencing chronic anger is almost always in a bad mood, the state is extended for weeks, months or even years. All human beings are defined as "chronically angry", eternally angry people who never smile and those who bother everything.

Anger as joy brings strong emotions with it.

However, the first one fills with negative emotions that when they happen make them lose their reason.

Getting angry is human but this intense emotion must be known to control.

To learn to manage anger we must do initial cleaning and begin to release anger from the concept of right and wrong that accompanies it.

anger is linked to frustration and we now know well that frustration is linked to pain: anger, therefore, covers and masks a pain. And what's wrong with pain? Anything. Anger management is born with the ability to eliminate judgment on anger itself, born with the ability to recognize the right emotional dimension to this emotion that, like all emotions, must be able to flow properly. Repressing it only leads to the implosion of anger that ends up turning towards ourselves or exploding for nothing in a crisis of violence and aggressiveness without limits.

An important part of the journey to success for increase Mental skills is reading and learning all you can about the process!

Here's just a part of what you'll discover:

How master your emotions
How to be calm in every situation
How to control anger
How manage mind over mood
How understand the negative thinking
The emotional intelligence
Stress management
And many more!

The first step is always awareness.


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Anger Management



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cadastrou em:
07/05/2024 00:27:16
editou em:
07/05/2024 17:43:09

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