Apropos of Nothing

Apropos of Nothing Woody Allen


Apropos of Nothing

The long-awaited, enormously entertaining memoir by one of the great artists of our time.

In this candid and often hilarious memoir, the celebrated director, comedian, writer, and actor offers a comprehensive, personal look at his tumultuous life. Beginning with his Brooklyn childhood and his stint as a writer for the Sid Caesar variety show in the early days of television, working alongside comedy greats, Allen tells of his difficult early days doing standup before he achieved recognition and success. With his unique storytelling pizzazz, he recounts his departure into moviemaking, with such slapstick comedies as Take the Money and Run, and revisits his entire, sixty-year-long, and enormously productive career as a writer and director, from his classics Annie Hall, Manhattan, and Annie and Her Sisters to his most recent films, including Midnight in Paris. Along the way, he discusses his marriages, his romances and famous friendships, his jazz playing, and his books and plays. We learn about his demons, his mistakes, his successes, and those he loved, worked with, and learned from in equal measure.

This is a hugely entertaining, deeply honest, rich and brilliant self-portrait of a celebrated artist who is ranked among the greatest filmmakers of our time.

Biografia, Autobiografia, Memórias

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Apropos of Nothing


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Woody Allen

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Excelente autobiografia
on 30/3/20

Quem é fã de Woody Allen vai obviamente gostar dessa autobiografia. Era tudo o que precisávamos, afinal, Woody já passou dos 80 anos. Infelizmente, devido às polêmicas, Woody gasta uma grande parte do livro tratando sobre as acusações de Mia Farrow. Para quem ler o livro, ficará claro que ele não está dando apenas sua versão da história, mas os fatos, todos muito bem fundamentados. Você descobrirá vários detalhes dessa história que nunca foram revelados antes. Não é a toa que Mia e Ron... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 17
ranking 59
ranking 18
ranking 18
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ranking 6



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