Art Smith

Art Smith's Healthy Comfort Art Smith


Art Smith's Healthy Comfort

Chef Art Smith puts the power of healthy living within your reach with these delicious dishes. Discover some of the great recipes he created on his journey to health and wellness, and then prepared for his celebrity clients. Bestselling author, Top Chef favorite, and award-winning chef Art Smith was discovering new innovations in the kitchen, including his beloved cuisine of the South, but neglecting to take care of himself. So he decided to make a change in the way he ate without giving up the foods he loved. By reimagining his favorite dishes and making exercise a regular part of his life, he lost 120 pounds and transformed both his body and his health. Art always knew that fine cooking is a way to show love to othersbut now he saw it as a way to show love to yourself. Art can't resist bringing people together through food. It's partly what made him the success he is todayand his unique reimag-ining of classic comfort dishes has added to his wide appeal. After ten years as Oprah Winfrey's personal chef, Smith now cooks for special events for celebrities all over the world. He has been a contributing editor to O, the Oprah Magazine and has made numerous television appearances, including on ABC's A Very Lady Gaga Thanksgiving, Bravo's Top Chef Masters, and ABC's Nightline. There's no doubt about it: Art Smith's Healthy Comfort is about great cooking and good eating. But Smith also shares his personal journey to good healthincluding delectable dishes such as Three Cheese Macaroni, Unfried Chicken, and Grilled Hanger Steak with Slow-Roasted Tomatoes that you just won't be able to resist.

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Art Smith



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