[Bad Boy

[Bad Boy's Guide to...] Being Not Good (English Edition) Elizabeth Stevens


[Bad Boy's Guide to...] Being Not Good (English Edition)

If you dont like a smattering of serious on a bed of parody, clichéd characters, and over the top situations that know exactly what they are, then this book is definitely not for you. What do you get when you introduce Deadpools personality to Disney's Giselles? If you answered a love story for the ages, you wouldnt be totally wrong But, you wouldnt be totally right, either. With a heroine who wont let a stupid little thing like being too good get in the way of showing her stupid ex whats what and a hero who wants no part of being the male lead in a romance novel, these two opposites find themselves in an unconventional partnership. When peppy-go-lucky Avery eventually wears down bad-to-the-bone Davins defences, he agrees to help her trash her reputation. And, if Davin can help her pass math while hes at it, all the better. So, its goodbye to Little Miss Goody-Two-Shoes, and hello to a whole new Avery. Davin was only supposed to be Averys mistake the guy that everyone would eventually call her little phase and he figured it would be good for a laugh when he looked back on it. But, the more theyre together, the less either of them feel its a mistake. Now, if only one of them could mention that to the other and ease all that angst-ridden tension A laugh-out-loud modern-day fairy-tale in dual POV for those who know life never quite goes according to plan. The first book in a new standalone series: Bad Boy's Guide to... Please be aware that this story is set in Australia and therefore uses Australian English spelling and syntax.

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[Bad Boy



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03/05/2021 05:39:00