Bearing it All

Bearing it All Kiki Burrelli


Bearing it All (Bear Brothers #2)

When Heath moves in with his sister in the sleepy forest town of Noel, he thinks he is going to help her out. She’s been having some trouble with the locals, and the inn needs a lot of work to keep running. He never expects the move to open his eyes to a whole new world of men who can turn into bears. Even more unusual are the unfamiliar feelings Heath has after meeting alpha bear shifter, Angus.

Angus makes Heath feel in ways he never has. On top of that, he stares at Heath like he’s a starving man and Heath is his next meal. No matter how Heath tries to deny and avoid his attraction, Angus is somehow always near.

Heath isn’t used to being watched so closely, and despite his efforts to keep Angus out of his problems, the possessive shifter is always there. There isn’t much he can do to help Heath though. He owes money to the wrong type of people, and now those people want him to pay, with his body. All Heath has to do is survive an unregulated fight with men who are all more experienced than he is and his debts will be cleared.

Angus knew his pack was starting over. They’d carved their own slice of heaven out of the land near Noel, and when Angus arrives with the lumber and resources needed to expand, he expects to find a community in the making, not his mate. He knows what everyone says about Heath, but Angus can see through the man’s mask. He soon sees that Heath is in trouble, but won’t tell him how.

When Angus discovers who Heath is in trouble with and what they want him to do, he knows he can’t allow it. Heath may be willing, but Angus will not let his mate to be put in harm’s way.

While Heath might not recognize his attraction to Angus, by the time Angus is done, Heath will realize his feelings and who he belongs to.

Erótico / LGBT / GLS / Romance

Edições (1)

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Bearing it All


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cadastrou em:
18/01/2018 16:25:38

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