Bells in Boston

Bells in Boston Ava Pearl


Bells in Boston (Destination Christmas #04)

An Insta Love Holiday Romance

*A Math Professor, Australian Photojournalist, And Old Historic Christmas


As a math professor and member of the Bell Ringing Guild and Historical Society, I’m happy with my simple life.
Dating has never come easy to me, or even been a priority before.
Until her.
She floats into town with her camera and has me mesmerized from the first look.
She’s everything I’m not: a fearless world traveler and social butterfly.
And everything I need.

Boston is a quick stop. A layover in my world travels, and I will fly next wherever opportunity presents.
But with each step along the cobblestones, I’m falling in love, and realizing that perhaps I won’t need an airplane ticket for my next adventure.
Perhaps everything, and everyone, I need is right here.

Book your ticket for Destination Christmas, a multi-author series of instalove holiday romances! Celebrate the season with adventure and true love in these short, sweet, and steamy standalone stories.

Visit each of the holiday destinations:

Snowflakes in Seattle by Lana Dash
Naughty & Nice in Nashville by Kali Hart
Candy Canes in Chicago by Mazzy King
Mistletoe in Miami by Kate Tilney
Bells in Boston by Ava Pearl
Sugar Plums in San Diego by Tarin Lex

Each story is a standalone steamy Christmas romance filled with memorable heartwarming moments, no cheating, no cliffhangers, and an epic Happily Ever After.

Contos / Erótico / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Bells in Boston


(5) ver mais
Snowflakes in Seattle
Sugar Plums in San Diego
Mistletoe in Miami
Naughty and Nice in Nashville

Resenhas para Bells in Boston (1)

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Sinos Em Boston
on 12/1/22

Quando li a sinopse do livro fiquei bem empolgada: um mocinho nerd, uma mocinha aventureira, uma sociedade histórica e... um grêmio de tocadores de sino??? Eu precisava saber o que era aquilo e no que aquela mistura iria dar. O livro não foi ruim. O mocinho é ótimo, a mocinha também, e a história se passa num ambiente que tem um ar de antigo e moderno que é realmente encantador. O problema não foi o que teve, mas o que NÃO teve. Não vimos Willow e Lewis se conhecendo... leia mais


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Suelen Mattos
cadastrou em:
18/12/2021 22:04:17
Suelen Mattos
editou em:
18/12/2021 22:05:08

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