Black and Green

Black and Green C.L. Stone


Black and Green (The Ghostbird #11)

Sang Sorenson’s father abandoned her and her sister, leaving them to fend for themselves for months. He’s returned, and finds Sang is missing. He demands she return. Right now.

Will he call the police if she doesn’t?

Her Academy team doesn’t want to risk losing her ghost status and she doesn’t want to put them in danger, so she reluctantly returns home, but is comforted that she will still be monitored by them.

But the second she opens the door, she discovers her father has made changes that will affect her entire future. His decisions will make them a normal family.

Normal is no longer what Sang wants. It would kill her Academy career before it ever started. Not to mention it would end the special, new, and still-fragile relationships with the guys.

Sang struggles with her family, her identity, and where she truly belongs. Now that the entire team knows about their romantic relationships with her, tensions are mounting, tearing the team apart from the inside.

Only, Dr. Green isn't going to lie down and roll over by playing by the rules. Not anymore. Not while Sang is at risk.

His heart can’t take leaving her in that house one more minute. He needs her. They all do.

Ficção / Jovem adulto

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Black and Green


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on 17/4/21

Posso dar seis estrelas? Eu sofri tanto que preciso de uma estrela a mais. Esse livro foi 99% sofrimento e 1% fofura. Eu não conseguia parar de pensar nele e em como as coisas iam se resolver. Mas ai uma coisa aconteceu e eu já estava sorrindo de novo, porque esse meninos.. sério, 0 defeitos. Eu vou deixar um comentário aqui que não é spoiler, é um pensamento que eu tive já a uns 3 livros atrás e nesse só ficou mais forte (mas leia por sua conta de risco): O pai da Sang está de vo... leia mais


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