Blindly Indicted

Blindly Indicted Katie May


Blindly Indicted #1

I lived my life as a prisoner.

I’ve always been told stories about the real world, but I haven’t seen it for myself. All I have ever known is pain.

And darkness.

They tell me I have been blind since birth.

When I make my escape, I think freedom is finally within my grasp...

Until I’m captured by the paranormal police for a murder I didn’t commit. Apparently, I have powers—powers I have always suspected myself of having.

Normal people can’t see through other people’s eyes, right?

Thrust into Nightmare Penitentiary, I meet a group of hard, alpha, psychotic inmates who believe I’m the answer to all their prayers. Me? I’m just trying to survive and figure out what it means to live. My new home isn’t just a prison, but a labyrinth with horrors around every corner.

But what if the cost of my life is my freedom? Am I willing to trade one cage for another?

Welcome to Nightmare Penitentiary where you come in handcuffs and leave in a body bag.

This is NOT a bully romance. These men are all hardened criminals and extreme alphas, but they adore their female. Be prepared to enjoy a painfully naïve female main character who slowly grows as the book progresses and a group of psychotic, murderous males. This book contains strong language, sexual situations, and a reverse harem romance.

This is a 130,000 words reverse harem romance and a part of the shared Paranormal Prison world. This can be read as a stand-alone, however there will be a second book following Nina and her men!

Fantasia / Ficção científica / Horror / Línguas Estrangeiras / Romance

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Blindly Indicted


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on 4/7/22

tenho um problema grande com a escrita dessa autora, ela sempre recicla frases, as personagens femininas ela tenta sempre passar uma ideia de garota fodona mais sempre falha, os personagens q dão uma de comediante as vezes se tornam insuportáveis, os hots dela são muito rasos.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
18/06/2021 12:17:05
editou em:
09/10/2021 00:13:39

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