Breaking the Beast

Breaking the Beast Holly Roberds


Breaking the Beast (Vegas Immortals: The Beast & the Badass #1)

The Grim Reaper wants me to kill the beast in his basement.

On the Vegas Strip, Egyptian Gods run the hotels and call the shots. I'm one of the few mortals mixed up in a world of vampires, gods, and the supernatural.

Now I’m carrying the only blade that can kill an immortal for good. But with great power comes great responsibility.

The Grim Reaper brings me to a feral god kept behind bars, out of his mind with power and pain, so I can put him out of his misery. One look and I see him drowning in nuclear level powers that are ripping him apart. I know my duty, and I don’t take it lightly.

Too bad, once didn’t do the trick.

The beastly god begs to taste my blade each night, but each time he revives – still in pain, still out of his mind.

I must return every day-- continue to carve pieces off his power, until the final blow grants him the true and final death he craves.

Like two territorial animals we poke and prod each other and now he’s under my skin in ways I’ve never allowed anyone. Now I'm struggling to bring myself to kill him, when it’s clear he’d die for a kiss from me.

When killing him gets tied up with secret enemies, an end of the world prophecy, and nightmares too real for my liking, I start to wonder if I should go through with it anymore.

Especially not when he's awoken something in me I didn’t even know I was missing. A passion so fierce I’m not sure if I should kiss him or stab him.

I’ll likely end up doing both.

Miranda and Xander's story is book one in an action-packed, spicy, plot twisty trilogy.

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

ver mais
Breaking the Beast


(4) ver mais
Bitten by Death
Kissed by Death
Seduced by Death
Claiming the Beast


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Avaliações 4.0 / 1
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cadastrou em:
25/02/2023 11:37:47
editou em:
07/08/2023 11:24:08

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