Breath on Embers

Breath on Embers Anne Calhoun


Breath on Embers

(Red Hot Holiday)

Christmas is the perfect time for Firefighter Ronan O’Rourke to take things to the next level with his sexually adventurous girlfriend. He knows she has feelings for him—and he’s sure of his feelings for her—but when Thea refuses his invitation to sample Christmas in New York City because what they share is nothing more than sheet-burning sex, Ronan sets out to change her mind.

Deep down Thea Moretti knows she cares for Ronan, but she can’t move past her grief over her late husband. Loud music and sex with Ronan are the only things she’s got that her feel alive, so she takes as much of both as she can get. She knows Ronan wants more, but during the darkest time of the year finding her way won’t be easy.

Ronan gambles everything and challenges Thea: one night of passion with him and another man. Can he prove to her that what they share isn’t just great sex but an emotional connection strong enough to last forever?

Romance, Erotic Romance, Contemporary Romance, Holiday

Edições (1)

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Breath on Embers


Resenhas para Breath on Embers (1)

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on 19/12/13

Ai como eu queria que todos os eróticos fossem como esse aqui. Anne Calhoun foi uma excelente descoberta que fiz esse ano. Todos os ou 4 livros que já li dela, sejam novels ou novellas foram excelentes! Todos 5 estrelas. Breath on Embers é uma novella, curtinho, mas super denso, profundo, sexy e claro romântico. Se você quer ler algo hot, rápido, mas com muita profundidade e sentimento, esse é o livro. E ah, é na época de natal em Nova York, super charmoso! :) Indico demais a autora!... leia mais


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Gisele Melo
cadastrou em:
19/12/2013 10:23:31

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