Broken SEAL

Broken SEAL Tarin Lex


Broken SEAL (SEAL Team Romeo #06)

A BBW Military Romance

This is Desmond & Julianna’s story.

We were best friends. But I had a secret: I loved him. I told him so. He broke my heart.
I guess that’s one reason you shouldn’t keep secrets.
And now I have another one.
It turns out…Desmond’s been keeping secrets from me, too.
Big ones.

Meet the men of SEAL Team Romeo. At work, these warriors serve their country, protect the innocent, and generally kick ass. No matter the challenge, or the danger, they always have each other’s six. They’ve been too busy saving the world to find love. Until now.

While on leave, each of them is about to meet their match. These SEALs fight hard...and love harder. Whether she's the girl next door or the one that got away, when the right girl captures a Romeo's heart, she's his for life.

Get ready to fall for SEAL Team Romeo in this series of short and steamy romances, coming in May from some of your favorite instalove authors.

Contos / Erótico / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Broken SEAL


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Easy Surrender
Covert Curves
Operation Claim Curves
Shot To The Heart

Resenhas para Broken SEAL (1)

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Horrível! (Senta, que lá vem spoiler)
on 2/6/22

Sério, esse livro foi bem ruim mesmo. A sensação que se tem é que a gente já entra no meio da história, com várias coisas acontecendo, e terminamos abruptamente, sem saber de nada e sem resolver muita coisa. A história começa com a mocinha dando a entender que estava com alguns problema psicológicos, mas nunca chegamos a saber realmente o que, ou porque. Se algo havia acontecido que a deixara assim. O mocinho, por sua vez, também insinua alguns problemas (aliás, a proposta da série é... leia mais


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Suelen Mattos
cadastrou em:
01/06/2022 18:48:56
Suelen Mattos
editou em:
02/06/2022 04:03:18

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