Bullets & Bonfires (English Edition)

Bullets & Bonfires (English Edition) Autumn Jones Lake


Bullets & Bonfires (English Edition)

The one man shes always wanted is now the sexy sheriff of their hometown. Battered but not broken, grad student Brianna Avery returns to the childhood home she abandoned four years ago. With her abusive ex behind bars, Bree needs the summer to relax and recover before returning to school. But her overprotective brother decides she needs someone to babysit her in his absence, and he picks the one person guaranteed to drive her nuts. Shes the one woman he cant have. Telling Bree no has never been easy. Four years ago, Liam Hollister did it to preserve his friendship with his best friendBriannas brother. Now, no matter how she tempts him, hes determined to do the right thing. As deputy sheriff of their rural area, Liam is torn between protecting Brianna and wanting her for himself. Take a risk or lose the chance. Spending so much time alone together challenges them both. Old feelings and hurts resurface immediately. With each hot, sweaty day its harder to deny their attraction. Its going to be a long, hot summer... Bullets and Bonfires is a stand-alone romance by the author of the popular Lost Kings MC series. TOPICS: brother's best friend, forbidden, forbidden romance, alpha hero, alpha, man in uniform, cop, sheriff, small town romance, off-limits, little sister, older brother, older brother's best friend, small town, steamy, upstate new york, rural, domestic violence survivor, new adult romance, college, family relationships, friends to lovers, protective, protector, self-defense, lost kings mc, fishing, bonfires, summer time, no cheating, dominant alpha male hero, teller, murphy, motorcycle club, stand alone romance, sexy, summer romance, summer reading, happily ever after, strong hero, police, loyalty, bullets, shotgun, first in series, self defense, past trauma, childhood abuse, survivor, friends to lovers romance, out of bounds, dog rescue, bullets and bonfires

Edições (1)

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Bullets & Bonfires (English Edition)


Resenhas para Bullets & Bonfires (English Edition) (1)

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on 27/11/22

No geral: POV: primeira pessoa (ambos) Trope: friends to lovers/ slow burn Gostou do H? sim Gostou da h? sim h virgem? não H virgem? não primeiro vez que se beijam? 31% primeira vez que fazem sexo? 56% Cenas quentes? mais ou menos OW/OM drama? hum, acho que poderia contar como sim, ja que o ex dela esta perseguindo ela. H/h trai? não Pulou paginas? não Grandes segredos? não Chorei? não Sorri? não Cliffhanger? não HEA? sim Epílogo? não Recomendo? sim O livro é bom mas si... leia mais


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