
Bullied Carrie Goldman



Winner of National Parenting Publications Award and Mom's Choice Award! Everybody knows how it feels to be ostracized, isolated or taunted, but most of us are at a loss when it comes to knowing how to make it better. In Carrie Goldman's groundbreaking book, Bullied, she offers concrete solutions for parents, teachers, and kids on how to effectively respond to painful situationswhether it is normal social conflict or more serious bullying. Goldman's warm, engaging style combines the real-life stories of bullies, victims, bystanders, and their parents with the most cutting edge scientific research to provide a thorough analysis of cruelty in our culture. She explores how the pop culture permeates homes and schools, often impacting the way kids view those who are different from the accepted norm. Bullied comprehensively addresses issues such as: The media's influence on aggression and bullying How to prevent cyberbullying, or how to manage cyberbullying once it has begun How to safely shift from being a bystander into a witness or an ally Effects of bullying on the brain, both for bullies and for victims Steps to take with the school if you are being bullied or sexually harassed A comprehensive look at restorative justice as a non-punitive response to bullying Techniques to help you deal with verbal taunting in the moment it is happening Identifying the difference between normal social drama and bullying Knowing when to ask for help and how to access effective help The mother of a bullied first grader, Goldman's inspiring true story triggered an outpouring of support from online communities around the world. Bullied is a research-based book born from Goldman's blog post about the ridicule her daughter suffered for bringing a Star Wars thermos to schoola story that went viral on Facebook and Twitter before exploding everywhere, from CNN.com and Yahoo.com to sites all around the world. More than 200 people were interviewed for the book, including parents, teachers, kids, social workers, authors, celebrities, researchers, psychologists, actors, actresses, and school administrators. It is a wealth of knowledge packaged in a fascinating read.

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