
Can't Help Falling in Love Sophie Sullivan


Can't Help Falling in Love

A struggling waitress and the heir to a major Seattle company stumble into a high-profile fake engagement while trying to date normally at the same time in Can't Help Falling in Love by Sophie Sullivan.

This heartwarming and fun fall rom com is perfect for fans of:

*Fake engagement trope and pumpkin spice lattes.
*Dating in secret and cozy socks.
*He's a billionaire but just wants to eat Halloween candy in bed with her.

Lexi Danby is looking for some no-strings, fall fun. Once a college track star, she was forced to drop out when her father passed away, and now she’s trying to make ends meet while putting herself through school and caring for her grieving mother. When her comically bad waitressing lands her directly into the path of a handsome, charming stranger named Will, Lexi may just have found the distraction she’s been looking for. Things are going well with their low-key fling, until a misunderstanding at a party thrusts Lexi and Will into a fake engagement they can’t talk themselves out of. And Will turns out to be a member of Seattle royalty.

Will Grand is heir to a major company, and Seattle’s most eligible bachelor. But he’s been placed in charge of an important merger with a company that values family above all else, and needs to show them that he’s settled down. While a fake engagement is advantageous from a business standpoint, it’s not so great for a budding relationship with a woman who’s wary of commitment. With a woman who Will is beginning to care about much more than he could have anticipated .

As Lexi gets a taste of Will’s glamorous world and the pair keeps up the pretense of their fake engagement for the press, they decide to see where a more casual relationship takes them, out of the spotlight. And amid apple picking in comfy flannels, outdoor breweries in the crisp air, and flirty Halloween preparations, Lexi starts to realize the scariest part of the season might just be taking a chance on love.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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cadastrou em:
16/12/2023 01:21:05
editou em:
26/01/2024 03:02:50

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