Captured by the Vampire

Captured by the Vampire Kellie McAllen


Captured by the Vampire (Vampire Enforcement Agency #1)

When Zoë reveals proof of vampires to the world, has she sentenced the one she loves to death?

After years of being alone, Rowan is ready to end his immortal life. Weak from starvation and overcome by bloodlust, he attacks a human in public and is captured by police.

When Zoë discovers that the intriguing, new prisoner brought to the jail where she works is a dangerous vampire, she can’t resist revealing the evidence to the world. But as she gets to know him, she realizes he’s not the monster everyone thinks he is.

Rowan’s life finally has meaning again as more vampires come forward and he learns he’s not as alone as he thought. But his chances of release disappear when the world explodes at the discovery of vampires, and he knows he’ll die in prison.

There’s only one way Zoë can save the vampire she’s fallen in love with, but is she brave enough to give up everything for him?

This novella is the prequel to the Vampire Enforcement Agency series.

If you like sexy, thrilling paranormal romance/urban fantasy stories like:
The Black Dagger Brotherhood by JR Ward
A Shade of Vampire by Bella Forrest
Dark Stranger by IT Lucas
The Vampire Diaries by LJ Smith
True Blood by Charlaine Harris
You’ll love Captured by the Vampire.

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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Captured by the Vampire


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Resenhas para Captured by the Vampire (1)

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Que belezinha!
on 25/10/23

Que surpresa boa! Fui sem expectativa nenhuma e me surpreendi com uma escrita fluida e personagens carismáticos Rowan é um príncipe e Zoe é uma garota doce... E o amor que vai nascendo entre eles é muito doce, achei uma fofura :) Primeiro livro que eu leio dessa autora e é claro que vou ler os próximos (que no caso esse livro aqui é uma prequela) Resenha rápida pra encorajar os indecisos :P... leia mais


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ranking 20



cadastrou em:
02/07/2021 09:14:27
editou em:
02/07/2021 09:15:08

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