Caught Up

Caught Up Liz Tomforde


Caught Up (Windy City #3)


I’m a single dad and starting pitcher for Chicago’s MLB team.
I’m stretched too thin, but I don’t want help raising my son.

Each of his previous nannies only lasted a few weeks before I let them go.
Now, my coach is putting his foot down by hiring the one person I can’t fire—his daughter.

Miller Montgomery is the last woman I should fall for. Too wild, too young, and too unattached.

Chicago is just a quick stop for her. I thought I’d be counting down the days until she left, but summer feels too short when I start thinking about forever.


As a high-end pastry chef who recently won the most prestigious award in my industry, I’m desperate to prove I deserve it. But with a new title comes new pressure, and I can’t create a fresh and inspiring dessert to save my life.

With only two months to get back on track, I should be focusing in the kitchen, but instead, I let my dad talk me into using my time off to nanny for his star player’s kid.

Kai Rhodes forgot how to have fun, and I’m eager to jog his memory. But when he and his son start to feel like home, I have to remind us both that my time in Chicago ends with the summer.

Besides, I’ve always been a runner, and the last thing I want is to get caught.

Literatura Estrangeira

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Caught Up
Caught Up


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Simplesmente amei
on 5/6/24

Esse livro macetou demais os outros dois!! eu adorei o Kai e tudo que envolvia o Max. sobre a Miller eu tenho algumas controvérsias, mas em geral eu também amei a construção da protagonista durante o livro. eu nunca tinha ouvido falar sobre esse livro no booktok e sinceramente, é bem melhor que os outros dois. amei esse casal demais, espero que tenham mais filhotes??... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.3 / 748
ranking 58
ranking 33
ranking 8
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cadastrou em:
09/10/2023 22:47:11
Pri Paiva
editou em:
15/02/2024 13:52:16

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