
Chasin's Surrender Riley Edwards


Chasin's Surrender (Gemini Group #05)

A USA Today Bestseller Chasin Murray found The One. His perfect match. And in a single act of stupidity he threw her away. Genevieve Ellison is not a woman Chasin can forget, even if she was only his for the weekend. But now that shes back in his life, the last thing she wants is a reconciliation. And with her comes a deadly secret, one that blindsides the former SEAL. A relentless stalker threatened Genevieve Ellison until she fled Nashville, seeking solace in Kent County at her familys vacation home. The country music star hadnt planned on meeting the one person on earth who has no idea who she is. She also hadnt planned on falling in love only to have her heart shattered. When new and repulsive evidence comes to light, Genevieve can no longer deny how much danger shes in. Luckily for her, Gemini Group is willing to protect her. Whats not so luckythe man who did the heart breaking is back in her life. While Genevieve and Chasin are busy playing games of the heart, the stalker makes a deadly move. The two lovers may have won their battle, but someone is determined to win the warpermanently. Riley Edwards is the queen of suspense! She knows just how to grab a reader and not let go! I recommend every single one of her books!" ~Susan Stoker, NYT Bestselling Author Topics: romantic suspense, contemporary romance, military romance, romantic suspense series, mystery, funny romance, modern romance, small town romance, Navy SEAL romance, smart romance, suspense romance, lighthearted romance, hot romance, riley edwards, riley edwards romance, rebels romance, sexy, heartwarming, heart-warming, family, love, love books, kissing books, emotional journey, contemporary, contemporary romance, romance series, long series, long romance series, Navy, navy series, former military, cop, police officer, policeman, cop romance, wealthy hero, sassy, strong heroine, captivating romance, hot, hot romance, Mercenary romance, action and adventure, action romance, veteran, former soldier, soldier, romantic, Navy SEAL, military romance, HEA, happily ever after romance Other readers enjoyed books by: Susan Stoker, Caitlyn O'Leary, Maryann Jordan, Dale Mayer, Lynn Raye Harris, Cat Johnson, Alexis Abbott, Meli Raine, Nicole Elliot, Lori Ryan, Meghan March, Kristin Ashley, Kris Michaels, Brittney Sahin, Sharon Hamilton, Cora Selton


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And here we go again...
on 8/7/22

O que dizer sobre os homens dessa série? Pois parecem que todos são o mesmo, todos tem a mesma forma de falar, de agir, de fazer amor, de tratar as mulheres e até mesmo de se apaixonarem na velocidade da luz. Aqui acompanhamos Chasin e Genevive numa coisa meio "O guarda Costas", com cenas quentes e, lógico, perseguição.... leia mais


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