Cherry Cheesecake Murder

Cherry Cheesecake Murder Joanne Fluke


Cherry Cheesecake Murder

Hannah Swensen and her bakery, The Cookie Jar, bask in the glow of Hollywood glamour when Main Street becomes a movie set. And although tensions simmer as the cameras roll, no one expects the action to turn deadly. . .until it's too late. . . There's no such thing as privacy in Lake Eden, but Hannah never thought things would go this far. Everyone has been telling her what to do ever since she got not one but two marriage proposals. Movie mania soon shoves Hannah's marriage dilemma into the background and even gives her cat a shot at stardom. The Cookie Jar serves as snack central with Main Street rented out for the week. She stirs lots of fresh gossip, whipping up treats for cast and crew, including demanding director Dean Lawrence's favorite--cherry cheesecake. Everything's on schedule until Dean demonstrates a suicide scene with a prop gun that turns out to be all too real. As filming continues, Hannah sifts through the clues, hoping against hope that the person responsible for Dean's death is half-baked enough to have made a mistake. When it happens, Hannah intends be there--ready to rewrite a killer's lethal script with the kind of quirky ending that can only happen in Lake Eden. . . Includes Ten Original Dessert Recipes For You To Try! Savor The Praise For Joanne Fluke's Wickedly Tasty Hannah Swensen Mysteries! "Mm, mm, Fluke's fans can't wait for the next confection in the series to be served up." --"Winston-Salem Journal" "For an enjoyable cozy mystery and lots of new recipes, readers need look no further." --"Mystery News" "Fluke has the recipe for appetizing mysteries." --"Long Beach Press-Telegram" "The realistic and delightful characters make this a lively read." --"Mystery Scene" "With all the cooking and investigating, what more could you want?" --"I Love a Mystery" "This series may remind some of another well-known series that includes recipes, but it is better!" --"Cozies, Capers and Crimes"

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06/03/2022 09:11:47

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