Cheshire in Heartsland

Cheshire in Heartsland Ariella Zoelle


Cheshire in Heartsland (Wonderland Ever After #2)

Cheshire is determined to convince King Rei to give them a second chance at happily ever after. But what if the only way to do that is for the cat shifter to team up with his enemy?

I could sulk about King Rei choosing his duty to his kingdom over our relationship, but it’s way more fun to get payback by stealing his crowns. Of course, my favorite form of revenge is tempting my fated mate with what he could have if only he wasn’t so stubborn.

We’ve been playing our will-they-won’t-they game since he took the throne, but the stakes change when a rival prince arrives in Wonderland to try wooing away my beloved. As a master of mayhem and mischief, I’m prepared to chase off the unwanted interloper by any means necessary.

But I quickly discover that the little princeling isn’t what he seems. And what’s more ingenious than working with my enemy to catch Rei by surprise? After all, I said I’d do absolutely anything to win him back.

Will my efforts finally motivate Rei to let me claim him as my mate?

Cheshire in Heartsland is the second book in the Wonderland Ever After series. This sweet-with-heat MM paranormal fantasy romance features affectionate shifters, fated mates, second chances, and a royal gay romance. Escape into this Wonderland full of whimsy, where everyone gets a HEA without cliffhangers. Each book can be read as a standalone but is best enjoyed in order.


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Cheshire in Heartsland


Resenhas para Cheshire in Heartsland (1)

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on 3/11/23

Fui correndo ler o segundo livro depois de ter amado o primeiro. E eu tava gostando muuuuuito no início, mas chegou em 70% e eu senti o livro começar a arrastar, parecia que já tinha acabado e a autora não colocava um ponto final. Porém, estava lendo na minha hora de energia mais baixa e devia ter parado e voltado depois pra dar 100% de mim.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
03/11/2023 19:36:31
editou em:
03/11/2023 19:36:52

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