City of Nightmares

City of Nightmares Rebecca Schaeffer


City of Nightmares

Gotham meets Strange the Dreamer in this thrilling young adult fantasy about a cowardly girl who finds herself at the center of a criminal syndicate conspiracy, in a city where crooked politicians and sinister cults reign and dreaming means waking up as your worst nightmare.

Ever since her sister became a man-eating spider and slaughtered her way through town, nineteen-year-old Ness has been terrified—terrified of some other Nightmare murdering her, and terrified of ending up like her sister. Because in Newham, the city that never sleeps and the only other home Ness has known, dreaming means waking up as your worst fear.

Whether that means becoming a Nightmare that is only monstrous in appearance but is otherwise able to live a semi-normal existence, to transforming into a twisted, unrecognizable creature that terrorizes the citizens of Newham, no one is safe. Ness will do anything to avoid becoming another victim, even if that means lying low among the Friends of the Restful Soul, a seedy organization that may or may not be a cult.

But being a member of the Friends of the Restful Soul has a price. In order to prove herself, Ness cons her way into what’s supposed to be a simple job for the organization—only for it to blow up in her face. Literally. Tangled up in the aftermath of an explosive assassination, Ness and the only other survivor—a Nightmare boy who Ness suspects is planning to eat her—must find their way back to Newham and uncover the sinister truth behind the attack.


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City of Nightmares
City of Nightmares
City of Nightmares


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Plot bem legal
on 29/2/24

De modo geral, o plot foi bem divertido. A protagonista em si é terrivelmente chata no começo, apesar de todos os outros personagens que tem destaque na história serem bem bons. Acho que algumas coisas poderiam ser melhor desenvolvidas mas o livro em si é divertido e bem envolvente! Se você quer algo fácil de ler, com um plot diferente e legal, esse livro vai te dar um momento legal!... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 11
ranking 9
ranking 45
ranking 36
ranking 9
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
09/03/2023 16:04:56
editou em:
09/03/2023 16:05:45

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