Claimed by a Demon King

Claimed by a Demon King Felicity Heaton


Claimed by a Demon King (Eternal Mates #2)

The moment the demon King Thorne of the Third Realm set eyes on the mortal huntress Sable, he knew she was his fated one. The fiery, dangerous female awakened hungers he had never experienced before, a dark craving and passion that has consumed him in their time apart. As the lunar cycle wanes, she enters his world again and nothing will stand in the way of him claiming his forever with her-not the relentless assault from the Fifth Realm or the dark elf male determined to seduce her out of his grasp.Intent on achieving the coveted position of commander at Archangel, Sable leads her small team into the dark underworld and the Third Realm, to a war where her allies are the very creatures she normally hunts-vampires, werewolves, and demons. Her eagerness to lead the deadly mission has everything to do with winning her promotion, and nothing to do with the kingdom's brash, lethally seductive demon king-a king who stirred fierce desire and wildfire heat in her with just a look and an innocent touch when they first met, and has been in her wicked dreams ever since.As the gathering storm between rivals unleashes irresistible passion that flares white-hot and the heat of the battle brings life-shattering realisations, can Sable place her duty before her heart? Or will she surrender to her deepest desires and be claimed by a demon king?Discover a passionate, lush, and powerful paranormal romance world packed with dark elves, vampires, demons, fae, shifters and angels from New York Times and USA Today Best-Selling Paranormal Romance Author Felicity Heaton in the Eternal Mates series: Book 1: Kissed by a Dark PrinceBook 2: Claimed by a Demon KingBook 3: Tempted by a Rogue PrinceBook 4: Hunted by a JaguarBook 5: Craved by an AlphaBook 6: Bitten by a HellcatBook 7: Taken by a DragonBook 8: Marked by an AssassinBook 9: Possessed by a Dark WarriorBook 10: Awakened by a DemonessBook 11: Haunted by the King of DeathBook 12: Turned by a TigerBook 13: Tamed by a TigerBook 14: Treasured by a TigerBook 15: Unchained by a Forbidden Lov

Erótico / Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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Claimed by a Demon King


(17) ver mais
Kissed by a Dark Prince
Craved by an Alpha
Bitten by a Hellcat
Hunted by a Jaguar

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on 1/5/23

O quanto de sexo tem nesse livro: 2/5 Quão explícito é :2/5 Drama: 1/5 Coerência: 3/5 Romance: 2/5 # Rei demônio , Thorne x Sable , caçadora de demônios e vampiros Esse está mais interessante. ... leia mais


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