Claimed by Drago Wolf

Claimed by Drago Wolf Ana Calin


Claimed by Drago Wolf

Arianna Some single ladies get dildos for their birthdays. I got a male escort, a magnificent beast. A man I better forget after one night, make sure my heart stays in one piece. But it turns out HE wants more from ME, and he'll stop at nothing to get it.Drago Wolf is a muscle-bound, cocky, leather-wearing beast. He's also a pro at what he does - kicking ass at underground fight clubs, and messing with women's heads for money. I swear I was determined to resist him, but I just couldn't. Not when those eyes like midnight wandered all over my body, and those rock-hard arms pinned my hands above my head. I was wet mid-thigh before he even kissed me.I gave in to temptation, certain he'd just zip up and hit the road afterwards. But guess what. He emerged convinced I was The One. Now my public image hangs by a thread. I depend on local investors to keep my dad's legacy going-medical research labs against deadly diseases. Just imagine those people finding out I'm screwing a male escort....DragoI came to Darkwood Falls for a gig. Some chicks paid big bucks for their frigid girlfriend to screw a leather-studded pack of muscles for her birthday. A highlight for her, nothing special for me, right? Wrong.Turns out, the frigid girlfriend is The One. Hell, I never even believed the ancient lore. No werewolf has met their fated mate in centuries.But when I part Arianna Parker's thighs for the first time, all bets are off. Before I know it, I'm addicted to her. I begin stalking her, and I won't stop until she's mine.For that I'll have to get her cheating ex, Sullivan, out of the way. He wants her back and, like me, he'll do anything to get her. Problem is, kicking his ass would only cause Arianna more trouble. But when my own natural enemies step into the picture, putting Arianna's life in danger, the gloves are off. I'll kill them all, including their supporter Sullivan, and I'll claim Arianna for good - or I'll die trying.

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Claimed by Drago Wolf


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on 15/12/23

A história é muito corrida e tem várias partes q dá vergonha alheia, mas se você estiver de ressaca literária ele é ótimo pq tu só precisa de meio neurônio pra entender a história... leia mais


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