Comfort Me, Daddy

Comfort Me, Daddy Misha Horne


Comfort Me, Daddy (The Brat & The Beast Duet #2)

How do you love someone when you don't know what love is?

I'm not sure what I was thinking when I let The Beast take me home with him. High on endorphins and out of options isn't the best time for decision making, but I work with what I have. And now I have a Daddy, I guess.

Until I screw it up.

Yeah, my old life was awful, but at least I knew how to handle it. I'm not used to being taken care of, and feeling good is not my comfort zone. Even when everything I want is right in front of me, I can still manage to be a total mess. Just what every guy wants.

But Caleb doesn't get mad when I lash out and push him away— he gets gentle. And stern. And reminds me in no uncertain terms just who I belong to now. Says he's not going anywhere no matter what I do.

The more I learn about him, the more I'd like to believe him, but I've got problems he can't begin to imagine. Ones a lot bigger than homework that keep popping up and ruining things. Ruining me.

The smart thing to do is get my grades back on track and take off. My past is never going to leave me alone, and my future seems more confusing than ever now that I'm having these feelings.

Turns out I like being cuddled and cared about and kept in line, no matter how much I try to fight it. Turns out I like Caleb. A lot.

But, happy endings don't happen for guys like me.

Do they?

Comfort Me, Daddy is book two in The Brat & The Beast duet, an angsty, kinky, grumpy epic MM romance about an angry, stubborn, bratty jock who won't give an inch and a slightly stalker-ish gentle giant with infinite patience. The conclusion to Logan and Caleb's story features hurt/comfort, daddy kink, tantrums, spankings, caretaking, cozy moments, bad breaks, new beginnings, and all the feels.


Edições (1)

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Comfort Me, Daddy


Resenhas para Comfort Me, Daddy (1)

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Logan e Caleb
on 9/12/22

Meu livro favorito da vida, meu casal favorito da vida. Eu só tenho que agradecer a Misha por criar meu maior conforto, que são meus meninos Caleb e Logan?... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
09/12/2022 21:31:34
editou em:
09/12/2022 21:32:01