Copycat Recipes

Copycat Recipes Linda Anderson


Copycat Recipes

Do you want to make the dishes of your favorite restaurants at home? If yes, this is the right book for you!Preparing the dishes of your favorite restaurant at home has different advantages. Restaurant dishes are often rich in oil, spices, and salt, while packaged foods are generally full of sodium and supplements. Homemade foods tend to be more nutritious and contain fewer calories because when you cook, you control what ingredients you use and what they contain. In restaurants, portion-size servings are often huge. When we cook at home, we do it differently. A healthy home cooking can even improve the way you eat between meals. Once you get used to eating healthy and nutritious food at home, you may want to look elsewhere. For example, children prefer to eat fruit or carrots on a playground or party, even if they are offered fast food. Spending time with family and friends can prevent loneliness associated with depression, heart disease, and dangerous illness. Ask your children to go to the kitchen with you or cook with friends. If you want to make new friends, think of cooking lessons. And don't underestimate the social benefits you get when your food is ready. Many women are happy to offer homemade food to friends and family. Moreover, with this book, you will learn not only individual recipes but also some useful techniques. In this way, you can prepare all kinds of dishes.This book covers: Importance and Advantages of Copycat recipes. Delicious Tasty Breakfast Recipes Healthy Beef and Pork Recipes Bread and Soup Recipes Sides and Salad Recipes ...And much more! Start your journey of cooking these delicious recipes at your comfy home. Buy the book!

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João gregorio
cadastrou em:
19/10/2020 20:56:50

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