
Cowboy's Babysitter Flora Ferrari


Cowboy's Babysitter (A Man Who Knows What He Wants #48)

When my cocky cowboy rodeo best buddy goes down tragically I show the true meaning of cowboy up when I adopt his baby daughter Mandy Sue.

But as a single older man who’s slept by a lot of fires with no ladies in sight, can only cook beans and wieners over a campfire, and sleeps with his boots on I’ve got a lot to learn about raising a little girl, keeping her properly fed, and reading her bedtime stories.

Not to mention keeping a roof over booth of our heads. With the big bronc riding contest quickly approaching I go searching for a babysitter, but the younger woman who shows up at my ranch is both the spark and the kindling that’s making me hotter than if I was standing in the middle of a blazing bonfire. She smells like a wild rose, has a voice as soothing as rain, and I get the feeling she’s as pure as the virgin lands I live on.

She’s gonna be my babysitter alright, but I’m ready to show her what it’s like to be with a real gentleman who can treat her to her very own cowboy romance.

After a bad breakup with my clown of a so-called boyfriend I need to get out of town pronto. With no money, no car, and no idea what I’m doing I crazily accept a nanny job halfway across the country. But when I show up on this sexy older man’s ranch it’s got this younger woman wondering thinking it’s time to reverse my direction in life and become a cowgirl for this respectful single dad I’ve been hired to babysit for.

And this southern gentleman sure knows how to treat a lady, whether it’s her first time in this part of the country or her first time experiencing other parts of life. I always feel special everyday when he tells me just how lucky he and his daughter are to have me, but I fell something else entirely when he tells me to leave my hat on…and nothing more.

Hank Williams, Jr. was right as rain when he said a country boy can survive, but there’s no way I can live another day without her in my life. Before I first laid eyes on her all I could think of was winning that bronc riding contest, but now all I can think about is winning her hand in marriage.

I’m a cowboy who knows what he wants and won’t stop until I get it. And what I want is to lasso her heart and make her mine forever while we fill our little house on the prairie with a couple dogs and a bunch of bronc riding baby boys of our very own.

*Cowboy’s Babysitter is an insta-everything standalone romance with an HEA, no cheating, and no cliffhanger.

Erótico / Romance

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06/05/2018 20:06:00

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