Cream and Punishment

Cream and Punishment Susannah Nix


Cream and Punishment (King Family #2)

She's not just my ex-girlfriend. She's my new coworker.

I knew Lucy Dillard was The One the first time I met her. Yes, I'm enough of a sap to believe in love at first sight. When I fell for Lucy, I fell hard. Everything was great between us―until the moment she dumped me.

Now I just want to forget about her. Instead, I'm stuck staring at her face all day. But I need this job, so I'll find a way to be civil and professional.

There's just one small problem: I'm nowhere close to being over her.

First, we were lovers. Then enemies. Now we're trying to be friends.

I didn't set out to break Tanner King's heart, but you know what they say about the road to hell.

I've got too many responsibilities and no room in my life for love. I can deal with Tanner's resentment until he starts working at the desk directly across from mine. Obviously, a truce of some kind is required. We're both grownups. We can handle this situation like professionals.

There's only one thing threatening this fragile peace we've negotiated: all these inconvenient feelings I apparently still have for him.

Cream and Punishment is book #2 in the King Family series set in the small town of Crowder, Texas, home of the King's Creamery ice cream company. Each book is a standalone, full-length contemporary romance that follows one of the six King siblings as they find and fight for love.

Chick-lit / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Cream and Punishment


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My Cone and Only
Pint of Contention

Resenhas para Cream and Punishment (14)

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/tanner meu tesouro não se misture com essa gentalha
on 12/2/23

Esse aqui foi uma fofura. aprendi a amar second chance e cream and punishment apresentou isso de uma forma que eu não esperava tanto, mas gostei mesmo assim teve muita coisa que me irritou durante a leitura (lucy e a família escorada dela) mas o tanner compensou tudo sendo adorável e enfim, um gentleman. o livro é bem legal de ler e muito levinho, indico muito pra quem tá de ressaca literária pois a escrita da susannah é super leve.... leia mais


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Luiza Helena (@balaiodebabados)
cadastrou em:
10/01/2022 11:23:31
editou em:
31/08/2022 23:47:32