Cuffed Love

Cuffed Love MINK


Cuffed Love

Sheriff Chrissy Darling

There’s a new sheriff in town. Okay, yeah. It’s me. I never intended to become the chief law enforcement officer for the small town of Newberry, but here I am with a badge and a job. I also have a few deputies and some small-town troubles, but nothing I can’t handle. At least that was the case until a tall, handsome, be-suited man shows up and things begin to fall apart. Stolen chickens, broken glass, and retired mercenaries are just a few of the problems Declan Smith’s brought with him. But the biggest problem of all? My attraction to him, the man who’s the number one suspect in all the strange goings on in my town.

Declan Smith

I’ve come to Newberry to do my job, and I’m damn good at it. Disrupting governments and multi-billion dollar corporations has long been my specialty, but I decided to take a job in a tiny town for a little slice of the quiet life. I assumed the local sheriff wouldn’t care for me, but when I get a look at Chrissy Darling, I realize that taking this small job will have huge consequences. Not only is she on my case, she’s on my mind. Constantly. But when she realizes I’m the root of all her town’s troubles, will she send me packing or cuff me to her for life?

Erótico / Romance

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Cuffed Love


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on 31/7/22

Tão chato que nem merece resenha. Primeiro livro da Mink que eu simplesmente detestei. Protas sem química. Péssima construção dos personagens. Como alguém com a personalidade da prota pode ser xerife? Pelo amor de Deus, não faz sentido. E como alguém que se apaixona pela xerife pode continuar fazendo coisas que resultem em pequenos acidentes que recaem sobre a amada? E o final então? Totalmente sem sentido. Fujam desse livro. É cilada.... leia mais


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ranking 67
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ranking 33



cadastrou em:
06/08/2021 11:42:21
editou em:
06/08/2021 11:42:52

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