Curvy Girls Can

Curvy Girls Can't Date Billionaires Kelsie Stelting


Curvy Girls Can't Date Billionaires (The Curvy Girl Club #Book 2)

A Sweet Young Adult Romance

How much money does it take to buy a broken heart?
There are three things I hate: rich people, boys, and Kai Rush. Kai happens to be all three.

He and his dad have all the money in the world from the game app they created, and what do they do with it? They buy private helicopters and flaunt their brand new Teslas.

Never mind that people like my mom and I work multiple jobs just to keep our crappy apartment and pay for back medical bills because my dad ran scared and left us alone.

So when my mom tells me we have a new cleaning job at the Rush’s before school, I’m peeved.

When he starts texting me, I’m floored.

Fit billionaires like him and plus-sized scholarship kids like me barely belong at Emerson Academy together, much less in the same message thread.

How can I get him to see I'm not the catch he thinks I am?

More importantly, how can I get my heart to stay on the same page?

Continue reading in The Curvy Girl Club with Curvy Girls Can’t Date Billionaires. Jordan’s fiery personality and Kai’s even-keeled persistence will have you feeling all the feels. Get ready for an enemies to lovers billionaire romance that turns all expectations upside down in one incredible read.

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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Curvy Girls Can


Resenhas para Curvy Girls Can't Date Billionaires (2)

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on 12/3/21

Gostei muito desse livro, em partes até mais que o primeiro. A autora volta a abordar temas demasiadamente importantes, dessa vez com um foco maior no quesito socioeconômico e imigração. PS: passei metade do livro imaginando o Kai parecido com o Timothee Chalamet até que cheguei na parte que ele conta que a mãe era coreana, o que faz dele metade asiático (no mínimo) e aí ele não era nada como eu imaginava.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
16/02/2021 22:48:22
editou em:
16/02/2021 22:49:15

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