Danger in the Shadows

Danger in the Shadows Dee Henderson


Danger in the Shadows (O'Malley Series #0,5)

Her life is not her own...

The bureau owns her.
Under FBI protection, Sara isn't even Sara Walsh anymore; her name is what they tell her. Her home is where they send her. And she's never there for long.

A stranger owns her.
Though faceless, he haunts Sara's dreams. He's the man who abducted her as a child and continues to stalk her. He's the one who's determined to end their connection--and Sara's life.

But mostly, fear owns her.
Which makes falling in love with a man as high-profile as Adam Black a bad idea. And a dangerous one. For both of them. The world is an unsafe place for love--and certainly an unsafe place for the children Adam longs for. No one knows that better than Sara, and she can't take the risk...

But if she doesn't, her life will never be her own. Where will she find the courage to name her terror and face her fear?

Romance policial

Edições (2)

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Danger in the Shadows
Danger in the Shadows


Resenhas para Danger in the Shadows (1)

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Quem é o Sequestrador de Crianças?
on 30/4/19

Essa é a 2° resenha escolhida para postar no especial "Semana das Resenhas". ;) Para quem não conhece, a autora Dee Henderson publicou uma série de 7 livros de crime misturados com teologia. Os livros são no estilo daqueles seriados de TV a cabo como Hawaii 5.0, CSI, NCIS etc. Porém, nos livros da Dee, todos os crimes são permeados de diálogos sobre a Bíblia, a ressurreição e sobre a confiança que temos em Deus. Esse é o livro "0", ou seja, a prequela da série inteira. Ainda não foi... leia mais


Informações não disponíveis
Avaliações 4.3 / 3
ranking 67
ranking 0
ranking 33
ranking 0
ranking 0



Cíntia Mara
cadastrou em:
05/01/2012 21:57:16
Cíntia Mara
editou em:
20/11/2016 14:05:24

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