Dating The Coach

Dating The Coach Ava Pearl


Dating The Coach (MatchMakers Inc. #09)

An Instalove Single Mom Matchmaker Romance

Speed Dating, Single Mom, and her son's Coach


After a few years in the fast lane of pro baseball, and city life, I uproot myself and move to small town USA in the heart of the New Hampshire mountain valley.
It’s a bold move that shocks my family and friends, but a business opportunity presents itself, and I can’t resist.
There’s a pull and I just know in my heart that it’s the right move for me.
And that’s why I attend the MatchMakers Inc speed dating event.
The invitation found its way into my office and whether it was fate, or a setup, I’ve learned to trust my intuition and go with it.
And that’s where I meet her. From her first smile and sparkle in her eye, I’m hooked and lining up for the grand slam homerun.


What’s a girl without her best friends? Her meddling best friends.
They’re determined to set me up and see me finding love. But I already have a man in my life, a tenacious ten-year-old, We have a great life together and don’t need a man to divert our attentions. We’re good.
But then I’m tricked into a speed dating event, and one man awakens the butterflies in my stomach.
Is it love though?

*Short, Fast Paced, Instalove. No Cheating, No Cliffhangers, HEA guaranteed.

This Valentine's Day, our heroes and heroines are skipping the dating apps and attending one of MatchMakers Inc. famous Speed Dating events. Is five minutes enough time to feel a spark of chemistry? Can love truly be in the air?
Go on a speed date with us and find out!
This February, thirteen of your favorite romance authors celebrate steamy instalove in this Valentine’s Day series!

Contos / Erótico / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Dating The Coach


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Dating The Firefighter
Dating The Doubter
Dating The Detective
Dating The Doctor

Resenhas para Dating The Coach (1)

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Namorando o Técnico
on 18/7/22

Dos livros da série, esse era o único que eu não estava muito animada para ler, porque (como já mencionei algumas vezes aqui) não curto histórias envolvendo mães solteiras. No começo, fiquei um pouco confusa, pois o título e sinopse do livro dão a entender que Lance é técnico de baseball, mas já nos primeiros parágrafos percebemos que, na verdade, ele é o novo veterinário da cidade. Ser técnico infantil é só um trabalho voluntário que ele faz. Confesso que até fiquei mais anim... leia mais


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Suelen Mattos
cadastrou em:
20/03/2022 18:06:02
Suelen Mattos
editou em:
26/06/2022 21:24:24

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