Deadly Match

Deadly Match D.N. Hoxa


Deadly Match (The Hidden Realm #3)

Three weeks ago, I had to make the most difficult decision of my life, thinking I knew what I was doing.

Turns out, I was clueless as to what fate had in store for me still.

And when I find myself a captive of the most powerful sorcerer I've ever met, I'm sure this is it. There's nobody left out there who cares about me. Nobody was coming to save me, and I couldn't save myself, either.

But as always, I keep underestimating Savage Ax.

Even though he saves me, things between us are not the same. He can barely look at me. Doesn't even want to talk to me. I drove a knife through his heart and twisted it, too. I'm learning that that has a lot of consequences.

But I can't take it. I can't stand it when he looks at me like he doesn't care. So I do the only reasonable thing I can think of: write him a letter and leave.

Except Ax is not one to leave things unfinished. And when he decides that I'm not going anywhere, there's very little I can do about it...or want to.

***Damsel in Distress is the second book in The Hidden Realm series, written in 2 POVs, packed with magic, mayhem, and explicit romantic scenes intended for mature audiences.***

Fantasia / Romance

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Deadly Match


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on 15/4/23

Essa série foi ladeira abaixo, só continuei lendo porque era curto e, né, o último. Algumas coisas bem vergonha alheia, mas as cenas finais até que foram bacaninhas (já li melhores).... leia mais


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Gaby Costa
cadastrou em:
09/04/2023 21:23:19
Gaby Costa
editou em:
09/04/2023 21:24:06

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