Deal with the Devil

Deal with the Devil Evangeline Anderson


Deal with the Devil

Luz Velez is a shapeshifter who can't shift. Every time she tries to summon her inner wolf, she has a massive panic attack. Worse, her anxiety extends to the rest of her life. At twenty-seven, she's still a virgin because attempting to have sex sends her into lockdown mode. She's miserable and stuck-until Jude Jacobson comes along.

Tall, blond and dangerous, Jude is the most feared vampire in town and the minute he sees her, he wants Luz. Vampires and shapeshifters don't date but he makes her an offer she can't refuse-a blood exchange that will help her control her panic attacks and give her the life she's always wanted.

Luz is desperate-she takes Jude up on his offer. But she doesn't expect to fall for the darkly seductive vampire-or to be plunged into danger when her past comes calling. When Jude's own dark secret comes to light, she begins to question her deal with the devil and wonder if she and Jude can make it...or if they'll die trying.

Reader Advisory: Though the author handles Luz’s past trauma sensitively, some readers, particularly those with a history of sexual abuse, may find this story disturbing.

Edições (1)

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Deal with the Devil


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Pacto com um vampiro TDB...
on 10/5/12

Luz é uma loba que nunca conseguiu se transformar e isso faz com ela se sinta deslocada e incapaz entre os da sua espécie, trabalhando como assistente judicial em uma empresa ela conhece Jude um vampiro todo poderoso TDB, maravilhoso, lindo, educado, mais totalmente inimigo da sua espécie, ele oferece uma ajuda a Luz uma troca de sangue que pode fazer com que ela perca seu pânico na hora da transformação, e ao mesmo tempo beneficie a ele próprio, mais ela nem imagina no que isso implic... leia mais


Avaliações 3.6 / 51
ranking 22
ranking 31
ranking 39
ranking 4
ranking 4



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29/12/2010 05:57:25

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