Dear Rockstar

Dear Rockstar Emme Rollins


Dear Rockstar

Sara is obsessed with rock star Tyler Vincent, and as she works to complete her senior year, she’s determined to find a way to meet him—although her best friend, Aimee, keeps telling her to find a different escape from her desperately violent home life.

Complications arise when Dale, the mysterious new transfer student, sets his sights on Sara, and she falls for this rock-star-in-the-making in spite of her better judgment. When Sara wins a contest, she is faced with a choice—travel to Tyler Vincent’s home town to meet him, or stay and support Dale in a Battle-of-the-Bands hosted by MTV.

Their triangulated relationship is pushed to its breaking point, but there is another, deeper secret that Dale’s been keeping that just may break things wide open...

Turn up your collar, feather your hair, and splash on some Polo, because we’re going back to the ‘80’s when MTV played music videos, there was no such thing as American Idol, and becoming a star meant doing nothing short of crazy for that one, big break.

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Dear Rockstar


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Um dos meus NA favoritos da vida!
on 15/3/17

Sara é obcecada por Tyler Vincent, um astro do rock, desde seus 12 anos. Ela coleciona cartazes em suas paredes, tem todos os cds, sabe todas as músicas e tem o sonho de conhecê-lo, um dia. Problemas aconteceram em sua vida durante o último ano e por isso ela não conseguiu se formar no High School, então se transferiu para uma nova escola. Tyler Vincent vem sendo sua fórmula de escape para os problemas em casa, como a violência de seu padrasto e a omissão de sua mãe. Sua amiga Aimme, ... leia mais


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Carla Jeanine
cadastrou em:
02/10/2013 13:20:55

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