Dear Seraphina

Dear Seraphina Avery Bishop


Dear Seraphina

From the bestselling author of Girl Gone Mad and One Year Gone comes a shocking novella of psychological suspense following a glamorous young actress and an obsessed fan.

Seraphina Bell is one of the youngest and brightest stars in Hollywood.

Jennifer Smith is middle-aged, broke, and working as a grocery store cashier in a small California town.

Jennifer is Seraphina’s biggest fan. She writes her letters constantly. Seraphina hasn’t written back yet, but that’s okay. Jennifer knows she will once Seraphina learns her secret — a secret that will change everything.

Praise for Dear Seraphina:

“Wickedly clever and full of delicious surprises, Dear Seraphina is a fantastic novella! Avery Bishop deftly establishes the characters then lets the story fly off the page. I loved it!” —Wendy Walker, bestselling author of American Girl

“In this terrifying, original, unpredictable novella, Dear Seraphina, Avery Bishop accomplishes an incredible feat: hooking the reader through letters, commanding attention, then delivering shocks and twists so powerful they are staggering. I was addicted to this creative, brilliant story that completely flips the script. It will leave you breathless.” —Samantha M. Bailey, USA Today and #1 national bestselling author of Woman on the Edge and Watch Out for Her

“A total winner … You might think you know where this is going, but believe me when I say, you have no idea!” —Always With A Book

Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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Dear Seraphina


Resenhas para Dear Seraphina (1)

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Inovador e revolucionário
on 9/8/23

Através de uma série de cartas, conhecemos Jenny, obcecada pela atriz em ascensão, Seraphina. É curto, dividido em três partes, repleto de reviravoltas e puxadas de tapete que vão te fazer pausar com o queixo caído e se perguntar se entendeu direito. Me prendeu em uma sentada e fiquei repleta de surpresa e admiração pelo que a autora conseguiu fazer aqui. Já to doida pra pegar o livro dela, Girl Gone Mad, se for remotamente parecido com essa novela será espetacular! Escutei o audiob... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.5 / 1
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cadastrou em:
08/08/2023 21:09:35
editou em:
08/08/2023 21:27:18

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